How to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle for Life

Did you know that 95% of people who lose weight gain it all back in 5 years or less? I did! But I didn't want to be one of those statistics. So I found some great tips to help me stay in shape and healthy.

Here are some tips and tricks

Find an activity you enjoy doing:

For me, it started easy with taking my infant daughter out for walks. I'd push her stroller and burn some calories at the same time. Win win! As she got older (and I got healthier) we transitioned to a jogging stroller like this.

Odds of keeping weight off

Knowledge is power:

The first step to healthy weight change is to gain an understanding of areas you can improve. Many people snack throughout the day and don’t fully realize the impact on their diet those midday snacks have. Logging (as close to) everything you eat and drink will give you a clear picture of what nutrients are getting too much (or too little) of. Knowing what goes into your body is a great way to gain insights into how to make diet changes.

The Asken Diet app will give users free daily advice (after logging all three meals in a day) so that you can learn what nutrients you are lacking or have excess of. Counting calories might sound hard, but it should only take a few minutes to log what you ate. You don't have to be perfect in logging every little thing, but doing your best to track what you ate will pay off in healthy dividends. You got this! πŸ’ͺ

Calorie counting diet plan:

It can be intimidating to try to set up a diet plan and count calories. Asken Diet is here to help. After downloading the app, you will create an account and enter your diet goals. Whether it is to lose or gain weight (muscle mass) or simply maintain your current weight, our licensed dietitians will give you a goal date and a goal number of how many calories you should have each day. This goal number will take into account things like your job (because some are more physical than others) and other lifestyle factors. The goal is to hit your diet goals in a sustainable way, not a quick change in weight that could rebound later.